Real-World Success Stories: Brands Leveraging AR for eCommerce Growth

AR in eCommerce
  1. IKEA Place: Revolutionizing Furniture Shopping

IKEA’s AR app, IKEA Place, allows users to visualize furniture pieces in their homes before purchasing them. This groundbreaking app has helped reduce product returns by 20% and has increased online sales by 35% since its launch in 2017. By providing an immersive, true-to-scale experience, IKEA Place has enabled customers to make more informed decisions when shopping online.

  1. Sephora Virtual Artist: Changing the Way We Buy Makeup

    Sephora, a leader in the beauty industry, has integrated AR technology into their app with the Virtual Artist feature. This tool allows users to virtually try on makeup products using their smartphone’s camera. Since its launch, Sephora has reported a 200% increase in engagement within the Virtual Artist section of the app and a 30% increase in lipstick sales. The success of Sephora’s AR implementation demonstrates the value of an interactive and personalized online shopping experience.

  1. Nike Fit: Finding the Perfect Fit with AR

To tackle the challenge of finding the perfect shoe size, Nike introduced its innovative AR tool, Nike Fit. By using the smartphone’s camera to scan the user’s feet, Nike Fit recommends the optimal shoe size for each style. This AR-powered feature has led to a 20% reduction in product returns related to sizing issues and a 15% increase in online sales.

  1. Warby Parker Virtual Try-On: Reinventing the Eyewear Industry

Online eyewear retailer Warby Parker has integrated AR technology to allow customers to virtually try on glasses before purchasing. The Virtual Try-On feature uses facial mapping to overlay frames onto the user’s face, resulting in a seamless shopping experience. Since its implementation, Warby Parker has experienced a 50% increase in online sales and a 35% reduction in product returns.

  1. Converse Sampler: Discovering Your Next Pair of Sneakers

Converse introduced its Sampler app, which enables users to virtually try on various shoe styles and colors by simply pointing their smartphone at their feet. The AR technology has significantly increased customer engagement and satisfaction, leading to a 25% increase in sales and a 20% reduction in returns.


These real-world examples showcase the immense potential of Augmented Reality in eCommerce. By providing a more engaging and personalized shopping experience, AR technology has helped brands reduce returns, increase customer satisfaction, and drive eCommerce growth. As AR continues to advance and become more widely adopted, it will undoubtedly play an even larger role in shaping the future of online shopping.

The Symbiotic Dance of Credit Card Use and E-Commerce Growth: A Tale of Mutual Success

As we witness the recent all-time high in credit card spending, it’s crucial to examine the intriguing relationship between credit card usage and the meteoric rise of e-commerce. In this in-depth blog post, we’ll uncover the fascinating symbiosis between these two power players, discuss the various factors propelling their growth, and reveal intriguing statistics that illustrate their connection. We’ll also explore the opportunities and challenges arising from this dynamic and what it means for the future of e-commerce.

  1. A Match Made in Digital Heaven: The Evolution of Payment Methods in E-Commerce:
  • The dramatic shift from cash and checks to credit cards and digital wallets (64% of Americans having at least one credit card in 2021)
  • The unsung heroes: payment processing companies and their role in facilitating easy online transactions
  • The convenience factor: How credit cards have transformed the shopping experience for 2.14 billion digital buyers worldwide
  1. The Rise of E-Commerce Giants: The Impact of Credit Card Spending on Industry Titans:
  • How Amazon, Alibaba, and other e-commerce behemoths have benefited from the increased use of credit cards, fueling their revenue growth
  • The effect of credit card spending on small and medium-sized online businesses, paving the way for new entrants and increased competition
  • Exploring e-commerce growth trends in different regions and their relationship with credit card adoption, including regional differences in consumer behavior

  1. Follow the Money: Consumer Behavior Fueling E-Commerce and Credit Card Growth:
  • The lure of impulse buying and instant gratification made possible by effortless credit card transactions, contributing to increased online sales
  • The enticing effect of promotional offers and rewards programs (5x growth in credit card rewards since 2010), incentivizing more consumers to use credit cards for online purchases
  • Capitalizing on FOMO: How e-commerce platforms ride the wave of the Fear of Missing Out phenomenon, leading to the success of flash sales and limited-time promotions
  1. The Perfect Symbiosis: How E-Commerce Reaps the Rewards of Credit Card Spending:
  • The sweet spot: Increased average transaction value by 20% and reduced cart abandonment rates by 12%, driving higher revenue for e-commerce businesses
  • The data goldmine: Enhanced data collection for hyper-targeted marketing opportunities, allowing e-commerce platforms to personalize offers and improve customer retention
  • Power partnerships: E-commerce platforms teaming up with credit card companies for exclusive deals and co-branded cards, reinforcing the connection between the two industries
  1. The Mobile Commerce Revolution: Credit Cards Fueling the M-Commerce Explosion:
  • The astounding growth of mobile commerce and its connection to credit card spending, with mobile devices accounting for 72.9% of e-commerce sales by 2021
  • User-friendly mobile payment options that contribute to the e-commerce boom, simplifying the online shopping experience for consumers
  • The role of smartphone penetration and mobile wallets in accelerating credit card use and e-commerce growth, especially in emerging markets
  1. The Future of E-Commerce: Exploring New Technologies and Innovations:
  • The impact of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data on e-commerce platforms and their connection to credit card spending
  • The emergence of new payment technologies, such as cryptocurrencies, and their potential role in the future of e-commerce
  • The role of virtual and augmented reality in enhancing the online shopping experience, and the potential impact on credit card usage
  1. Balancing Act: Credit Card Debt and the E-Commerce Dilemma:
  • The dark side of credit card spending: $807 billion in US credit card debt in Q2 2021, raising concerns about the sustainability

The undeniable connection between the surge in credit card spending and e-commerce growth tells an enthralling story of mutual success. As consumers enjoy the convenience and rewards offered by credit cards, e-commerce platforms face the challenge of balancing profits with ethical responsibility. Time will reveal if this credit card-driven e-commerce boom can thrive without igniting a widespread financial crisis. To stay ahead in this ever-evolving game, e-commerce players must continuously optimize their strategy and adapt to the changing landscape.

The Power of User-Generated Content in Ecommerce

Product Questions & Answers & Review

In the world of ecommerce, user-generated content (UGC) has become a powerful tool for driving engagement, building trust, and increasing sales. UGC refers to any content created by customers, such as product reviews, social media posts, and photos, that can be used to promote a brand or product. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of UGC in ecommerce, backed by statistics and examples.

Why User-Generated Content Matters

  1. Builds Trust: Consumers are more likely to trust other consumers than they are to trust brands. According to a survey by Stackla, 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support.

  2. Boosts Engagement: UGC can boost engagement and increase the amount of time people spend on your site or social media pages. In fact, according to a study by Yotpo, websites that include UGC have a 20% higher conversion rate than those that don’t.

  3. Drives Sales: UGC can influence purchasing decisions and increase sales. According to a survey by TurnTo, 90% of consumers say UGC is more influential than traditional advertising.

Examples of User-Generated Content in Ecommerce

  1. Product Reviews: Product reviews are a common form of UGC and can be found on most ecommerce sites. According to a survey by PowerReviews, 95% of shoppers consult reviews before making a purchase.

  2. Social Media: Social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, are a great place to find UGC. Brands can repost customer photos or videos, and even run contests or giveaways to encourage UGC.

  3. Q&A Forums: Q&A forums, such as those found on Amazon and Best Buy, allow customers to ask questions and receive answers from other customers. This type of UGC can help build trust and address common concerns or issues.

  4. Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing involves partnering with social media influencers to promote a product or brand. This type of UGC can help reach new audiences and build credibility.

Tips for Using User-Generated Content in Ecommerce

  1. Encourage Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews by sending follow-up emails or offering incentives, such as discounts or free gifts.

  2. Highlight UGC: Highlight UGC on your website or social media pages, such as by featuring customer photos or videos in product pages or running a UGC contest.

  3. Use Social Listening: Monitor social media platforms for mentions of your brand or products and engage with customers who create UGC.

  4. Provide Guidance: Provide guidance on the type of UGC you’re looking for, such as specific hashtags or photo themes, to encourage customers to create content that aligns with your brand.

Something For You

At AppifyCommerce, we understand the importance of UGC in ecommerce. That’s why we’ve developed an app that allows Shopify store owners to add FAQ product-related questions and answers. By using our app, you can easily rank user-generated content and increase the visibility of your products on search engines. This can help you drive more traffic to your site, increase sales, and build trust with your customers.

User-generated content is a powerful tool for ecommerce businesses. It can build trust, boost engagement, and drive sales. By encouraging UGC, highlighting it on your site and social media pages, and providing guidance and incentives, you can leverage the power of UGC to grow your business. And by using our app, you can take your UGC to the next level and get even more out of your ecommerce efforts.

Showing Bundle Options at Checkout Page: A Guide for Shopify Store Owners

Product bundles & discounts

Bundle options are a powerful tool for Shopify store owners, allowing them to increase the value of each sale and provide customers with a convenient shopping experience. By showcasing bundle options at the checkout page, store owners can take advantage of psychological principles to drive sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Bundle Options

  1. Increased Average Order Value (AOV): By offering bundled products, store owners can encourage customers to add more items to their cart, resulting in a higher AOV.
  2. Increased Customer Satisfaction: Customers appreciate the convenience of having everything they need in one place, and the ability to purchase related items together.
  3. Improved Inventory Management: By bundling products, store owners can move slow-moving inventory and free up space in their warehouse.

Psychology Behind Bundle Options

  1. The Principle of Scarcity: When customers are presented with a limited-time offer, they are more likely to make a purchase. Bundle options can be offered as a limited-time offer, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging customers to make a purchase.
  2. The Principle of Familiarity: Customers are more likely to make a purchase when they are familiar with the products being offered. By bundling related products, store owners can make it easier for customers to recognize and trust the products, leading to increased sales.
  3. The Principle of Endowment: When customers feel like they are getting a good deal, they are more likely to make a purchase. Bundle options can provide customers with the perception of a discount, leading to increased sales.

Tips for Showcasing Bundle Options at Checkout Page

  1. Highlight the Value: Make sure to emphasize the value of the bundle by showing the total cost of the individual products and the bundle price.
  2. Make it Visible: Make sure the bundle options are prominently displayed at the checkout page so that customers can easily see them.
  3. Use Compelling Images: Use high-quality images to showcase the products in the bundle, making it easier for customers to see the value of the bundle.
  4. Keep it Simple: Keep the number of bundle options to a minimum, making it easier for customers to make a decision.

Conclusion Showing bundle options at the checkout page can be a powerful tool for Shopify store owners, allowing them to increase the value of each sale and provide customers with a convenient shopping experience. By leveraging psychological principles, store owners can drive sales and improve customer satisfaction. By following the tips outlined above, store owners can make the most of their bundle options and take their business to the next level.


Why Video Marketing is the New Age ‘Must-Have’ in Your Marketing Toolbox

Video marketing

Gone are the days of simple text-based marketing campaigns. In today’s digital age, the power of visual content cannot be underestimated. And what better way to incorporate visuals into your marketing strategy than through video?

But before we dive into the nitty-gritty of video marketing, let’s talk statistics. According to HubSpot, video content is expected to account for 82% of all internet traffic by 2022. That’s right, 82%! If you’re not already incorporating video into your marketing strategy, you might as well be living under a rock (and not the cool, trendy kind of rock, but the outdated, “why are you still using a flip phone?” kind of rock).

But why is video marketing so effective? For starters, it’s extremely versatile. Whether you’re promoting a product, educating your audience, or simply telling a compelling story, video can be used in a variety of ways to engage with your audience. Additionally, video can be easily shared across multiple platforms, allowing for maximum reach and engagement.

Now, before you start freaking out about the cost of producing high-quality videos, relax. You don’t have to break the bank to create effective video content. In fact, you can create videos using nothing more than your smartphone. So, no more excuses.

But, let’s be real, the true beauty of video marketing lies in its ability to make even the most boring topics hilarious. Just imagine a video of a llama promoting the latest accounting software. It’s not just funny, it’s also memorable and effective. So, whether you’re a small business owner or the head of a large corporation, incorporating humor into your video marketing strategy is a no-brainer.

Another great thing about video marketing is that it can be used to target specific demographics. For example, if you’re trying to reach a younger audience, consider using social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram to promote your videos. On the other hand, if you’re trying to reach an older demographic, Facebook or YouTube may be more effective.

Now, let’s talk about the various types of video content you can create. There’s explainer videos, product demos, customer testimonials, live videos, animated videos, and the list goes on. The key is to find the type of video that best fits your business goals and target audience.

But, perhaps the most important benefit of video marketing is its ability to increase conversions and sales. In fact, according to a study by Wyzowl, 84% of people who watched an explainer video about a product subsequently bought it. That’s right, 84%! So, not only is video marketing effective in engaging with your audience, but it can also directly lead to an increase in revenue.

Video Marketing

In conclusion, video marketing is no longer a nice-to-have in your marketing toolbox, it’s a must-have. Not only is it versatile and easily shareable, but it can also be used to target specific demographics, increase conversions and sales, and, most importantly, make even the most boring topics hilarious. So, what are you waiting for? Start filming your llama accounting software video today!

Just remember, have fun and be creative with your videos, and let the statistics speak for themselves!”

A case study of marketing legend Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds is someone you know, right? He is famous for his super-hit movies, right? Like Deadpool! Obviously, but he is more than that. He is serious entrepreneur;  even more A marketing genius (king of building iconic brands and making iconic jokes) ! Every business owner should learn lessons from him on how to grow your brand’s value.

He created iconic brands and aspirational positioning in a wide range of industries like

  • A gin company

  • A football club

  • A mobile provider company

  • An ad agency

  • Himself

This guy is a gold mine for brand-building, advertising, and business inspiration.

Marketing story of 
Aviation Gin
Aviation Gin

Okay, let’s get real. The fact that a celebrity is the owner of an alcohol company is about as impressive as the fact that a college student owns a guitar. It’s not like that, you know.

The story here is not about a rich superstar buying a gin company.

It’s a story about creative geniuses defying the rules in order to create empires.

Ryan acquired a stake in Aviation Gin in 2018.

It makes sense that he would be the face of the brand.
You could even expect him to be totally hands-off.
Would you expect him to be just another marketing person?

The tweets Ryan sends in quintessential Ryan style are not advertisements.
There is no doubt in your mind.
It’s retweeted by you.
You want to give it a try!

Aviation Gin

Ad commercials can be found in the ‘Entertainment’ section of their website!

Confident. Cheeky. Creative.

Ads, entertainment, or whatever you want to call them, are creative masterpieces.

You can actually watch them for fun.A few copywriting gems from aviation ads

  1. An American original… now owned by a Canadian.

2. What the ad says: “You’re gonna die, vodka.”

Lesson over here is: If you’re not a marketer, you can still be a marketer 

Marketing story of 
Mint Mobile

The Super Bowl is the most prestigious place to advertise in the US.To be esteemed costs an absurd amount.In Super Bowl 2020, what did Ryan Reynolds do? In the New York Times, he ran a full-page advertisement. Basically, it says:
Everyone is spending $5 million on a Super Bowl ad. I’m planning to save that and give you free service instead.

Mint Mobile

He saved a ton of money, Got the attention, Promised to pass,savings to people Got some more attention

  • How to kill with unconventional advertising
  • How to spin regular content into light-hearted spots
  • Smart ways to use cheaper advertising avenues

Moral of the story : Ads can be (and should be) excellent content, as Ryan Reynolds demonstrates. In addition, the selling will take place. Even you are running short on budget or you don’t have professional marketing team yet; Cut out all the unnecessary information and concentrate only on what important. Know what the target audience will enjoy.

What has Shopify Unite 2021 brought in the green bag for the merchants?

Recently, on 29th June 2021 Shopify’s annual Shopify Partner – Developers Conference (Shopify Unite 2021) was held with the theme Coding Commerce Together.

What is Coding Commerce? Do merchants now have to handle coding to run a store? No, on the contrary, Shopify aims to reduce the dependency on coding of any store as even if you are a tech person, time is of the essence when it comes to running an online store.

This blog will let you know what is stored for the merchant in this 2021 Shopify Unite event.

Power of customization

What appears aesthetic good is sold.The genZ is becoming a visual lover instead of text these days. The importance of visual & user experience in any field cannot be denied.

With this in mind, Shopify has released the most notable update of the platform call Online Store 2.0.

Thanks to the online store 2.0 which allows merchants to change the layout of the store without having to play with the codes.

Content managing will become more flexible with the help of sections and blocks, the unlimited possibilities of creating a personalized and aesthetic store will open up.

Payment related announcements

Right now the customer has more than one option to not only buy online but also to pay after purchase. If you do not want to lose the customer you will have to provide the payment methods of their choice.

Shopify could not resist the temptation to bring the Buy Now Pay Letter strategy into its ecosystem, and why not? This strategy could help merchants increase their revenue. With the help of Shop Pay, the customer will be able to pay the bill in four easy installments.

Built in Email marketing tool

Email marketing is still the leading & most used option when it comes to digital marketing. Shopify will allow you to use a variety of customizable email marketing templates. Shopify Email tool will be integrated directly with your store, hence it will fetch brand logo as well desired products to automatically. It will reduce dependency on various several email marketing apps.

Different store needs different storefronts

You can customize the storefront to your needs with Shopify’s Storefront API, adding a variety of new cutting-edge experiences such as subscription selling plans or international pricing displays.

If you want to be big, think big, and be big. Start a side business with your main store for wholesale buyers of your own products or other outsourced products

*Handshakes is only compatible for USA only.

Shopify ecosystem is evolving day by day and bringing new edge features with every updates. As Tobias Lütke (CEO, Shopify) quoted in the event “There were two completely different distinct industries, the retail industry & the online commerce industry. Now it’s just commerce industry. A lot has changed in a year.” chances are there might be only the shopify commerce ecosystem. Are you part of this ecosystem yet? then when? 

Planning to start your online store Shopify platform reach out to us by sending just  an email at [email protected]

Shopify Plus – A cheap plan for those who have premium dreams

Shopify Plus

Congratulations! You reading this article about Shopify Plus bring us to the conclusion that either you are about to upgrade your existing plan of Shopify to Shopify Plus or else you have already scaled up the organization and now gazing at global horizons. 

I know you are already aware of Shopify Plus fees I mean 2000$  p/m is quite a huge right!! Having a second opinion seems legit before start a Shopify Plus journey. I hope this article helps you to make your decision.

Global is new Local - Aim for the global success with multiple clone stores

In the Shopify Plus model, you get not only 1,2,3 but a total of ten stores to extend your reach to multiple continents. Yes, ten stores that too centralized to 1 admin panel.

Imagine you are the king of market share in your native country or state. Your products & services have the potential for concurring the world. Perhaps different audiences could have a different choice. Your native store is in your native language simultaneously you want to 2 other stored in India & China respectively in their native languages. Well, Shopify Plus got you cover!

Fast & custmized checkout

Checkout time user experience plays a crucial role in conversation rates. As a Shopify Plus member, you are privileged to customize the checkout experience for your customers; for example, you can narrow down the checkout process from its default two pages into a single page.

Wholesome plan for your wholesale business.

Wholesale business is a very high maintenance & complex business model. Shopify Plus’s wholesale channel lets you handle your wholesale business hassle-free by allowing you to create a separate password-protected wholesale extension store.

Your wholesale store will have a different storefront from your primary online store/s that will allow you to offer custom pricing for your wholesale customers.


  • Different prices to different wholesale customers
  • Set fixed (flat) prices for products and variants in price-lists
  • Volume-based pricing rules for products and variants
  • Percentage-based discounts across your entire store or across collections

The cherries on the top:-
1) You can invite a customer to activate a wholesale store account, they can log in and create purchase orders.
2) You can send a customized invoice email that allows the invoice to be paid using a different payment method, such as a wire transfer


More Stores - More Sales - More Staff

Unlike any other Shopify plan, it doesn’t come with restrictions. As you expand your stores, simultaneously expand your teams without worrying about any limitation on creating staff accounts because Shopify Plus offers you unlimited staff accounts. 

Flow - Automate routine tasks & fly with flow

Productivity & time management is the main parameters to get success in any field. Don’t let your precious time get killed by repetitive tasks. Flow in Shopify Plus offers readymade templates for automating common tasks in your store.

You can also create a template of your own as per your needs.

Cost-cutting friendly

Shopify Sucess

Fewer transaction fees

As Benjamin Franklin stated,” A penny saved is a penny earned.” with just minor, 0.15% transactional fees on the third-party payment processor, you can save a fortune in the long run. 

Are you saving obsessed? Then Shopify’s payment system Shope Way costs you 0% transactional fees. In addition, you could boost the conversation rates up to 18%. 

FYI:-  In the Basic Shopify plan transaction fees are 2%, in Shopify, it is 1%, and in Shopify Advanced Shopify it is 0.5%

Hand holding support & they mean it.

Last but not least, the heart of any service or product, the customer support service. Along with priority, support you will also receive a dedicated Launch Manager. that will help you with building/migrating and even with launching the store.

We are sure you will be the future successful case study for the millions of Shopify merchants. Happy Business.

Yet room for confusion? Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

Shopify App Store – Wonderland of The Apps

Why Shopify App Store?

Let’s start on a note that you are aware of the Shopify eCommerce platform. And if not check out our previous blog about Shopify.

Imagine having a smartphone without an internet connection or any additional apps, you can imagine but you can’t achieve its maximum potential without the internet or apps; the same goes with Shopify-powered stores.

Shopify App Store Logo

Shopify app store was introduced as a bridge between shop owners (merchants) & thousands of apps that are designed by developers to add value to millions of stores.

As any successful offline stores would rely on chains of third-party services online stores could be no exception. Shopify has got your back already. Shopify app store is loaded with thousands of apps that will make you more eCommerce obsessed and there will be no way for you to go back to old school offline business model. 

Since 2011, there have been more than 12 million app installs, and today 87 percent of merchants say that they rely on apps to run their business.

Courtesy:- Shopify Blogs

Designed in a way that even layman or newbie could easily find suitable apps

After tons of study and understanding merchant’s needs, Shopify introduced a categorized interface, which saves time while shopping for the app and merchants could get an insight into other productive apps that might work best for them.


A lot of apps are free to install whereas for some apps you will have to spend some extra bucks, costs of Shopify apps are decided by their developers. Prices could be vary based on their features offering or problem-solving abilities. 

Different developers follow different billing models for their apps.

  1. One-time charges
  2. 30-Day subscriptions
  3. Annual subscriptions
  4. Usages based charges
  5. Application credits

Why all these buzz around Shopify?

Explore the Shopify with us

Blog Cover (1)

We all will remember 2019,2020 & 2021 as the most crucial perhaps devastating years of the 21st century so far, we have witnessed a pandemic that we have never seen coming, we locked down ourselves in our houses due to worldwide lockdowns; social media platforms & newspapers flooded with statistics of the daily death tolls, many are forced to be unemployed.

However, we neglected the blessings that were poured into human lives amidst these disguised days, okay I might be sounding over-optimistic but can you recall which service have you tried when it was too scary for you to step out from the houses? From where did you get that loungewear for the Work From Home phase? Could you please name few services that were running almost smoothly even amidst the global chaos?

Undoubtedly, your answers would be eCommerce

COVID-19 happened to be a trigger point of the eCommerce sector’s growth, people had no other choice than to go digital in the middle of the strick lockdowns, from buying sanitizers to purchasing books, from necessary groceries to travel bags in hope that those days shall pass too.

It was all possible because of the well-established virtual environment, we can’t deny the fact that most of us used to do shopping on online platforms however it has minimal impact on newbie eCommerce players. But who knew back then that a nano-virus could cause macro changes in the eCommerce sector. 

It was the first time in developing countries when except for regular millennials, elder persons tried their hands on online shopping experience in these many numbers. All thanks to easy access to the faster internet & easy to understand eCommerce websites.

As per common business practice, it’s all about demands & supplies; it doesn’t count whether you are a small shop owner or a giant entrepreneur to make the most out of the business you will follow consumer’s behavior; You will offer your services or products where you might find potential buyers; it led to never seen surge in revenues of eCommerce service providers.

eCommerce means Shopify & Shopify means sucess these days!

When it Comes to eCommerce, Shopify almost has become synonymous with eCommerce, and undoubtedly they have earned their crown by allowing everyone to run an eCommerce store with such ease. It’s just a matter of few clicks before starting your long-awaited dream online store

As their official Twitter handle has mentioned in their bio, it is the SaaSiest entrepreneurship company. It is SaaS ( Software as a Service ) company, with the help of their SaaS tools you can create your eCommerce website in 3 easy steps. More than 1.7 million businesses are now connected with Shopify platforms

Why become SaaSi?


s their official Twitter handle has been mentioned in their bio, it is the SaaSiest entrepreneurship company. It is SaaS ( Software as a Service ) company, with the help of their SaaS tools you can create your eCommerce website in 3 easy steps. More than 1.7 million businesses are now connected with Shopify platforms. 


There are so many eCommerce solution providers out there that what is the secret ingredient behind successful Shopify? Of course, because of their SaaS platform, it is the best suite for newbie store owners, who have less time to deal with a lot of tech works, with the help of its tools you can integrate everything you require with ease. Once you have the basic setups there are plenty of third-party extensions available to increase productivity, boost sales of the store. Shopify has its AppStore that offers more than 6000 apps across the globe. 

Too busy to even set up store & manage?

Many elderly people & family-owned offline store owners are too busy even to handle minor tech works, Shopify also offers to hire Shopify experts right from the beginning of your journey, there is a huge external community of Shopify experts who can work done on behalf of you so that you can focus on your offering products & services.

What if I caught up in confusion?

Shopify offers 24*7 support services across their official helpline channels & social media handles, they are known for their responsive support team. Sometimes even top-level executives jump into conversations with Shopify Partners.

Because of its all advantages, Shopify managed to score almost double revenues in 2021 itself, company’s stock price hit an all-time high in April.


In a nutshell, because of various eCommerce platform providers going online was never this easy before, but Shopify took it to another level if you are in the dilemma of whether to start your online business or not we would suggest it’s time to be SaaSi don’t forget to reach out to us because we are the backbone of numerous stores.