How can I receive notifications on multiple email addresses when a new question is posted?

Step 1

Update support team email addresses

  1. Navigate to the Support Team Emails in setting screen within the app.
  2. Add support team email address with comma separated
Here’s an example of how your list should look: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

How do I decide which customers can ask questions?

Step 1

Enable setting in app

  1. Navigate to the Advanced setting screen within the app.
  2. Enable “Only logged in customers will be able to ask questions”

Step 2

Enable Require the customer's login in shopify admin

  1. Go to ‘Settings’ in your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Navigate to ‘Checkout’ and select ‘Customer contact method.’
  3. Choose the option that reads ‘Require the customer to log in to their account before checkout’ in order to activate these features.”

How do I set up ‘Product Questions & Answers’ and make it working?

"Product Questions & Answers" app on Shopify:

Step 1

Install the App from Shopify App Store:

  1. Visit the Shopify App Store.
  2. Search for and select the “Product Questions & Answers” app.
  3. Click “Install” to add it to your Shopify store.

Step 2

Integrate the App:

  1. After installation, access the app.
  2. Look for a popup button or integration option.
  3. Click it and save your settings.

Step 3

Customize Widget Text:

  1. Navigate to the customize text screen within the app.
  2. Modify the widget text to align with your store’s branding and needs.

Step 4

Add the QA Block to Your Theme

  1. Go to the setup screen in the app.
  2. Click “Add Block” to publish the app on your theme.
  3. Choose “AC QA Block.”
  4. Place it where you desire on your store.
  5. Save the changes.


  1. On the setup screen in the app, choose your desired theme.
  2. Click “Customize Theme.”
  3. Select the product template.
  4. Add the “AC QA Block” to the template.
  5. Save your settings.

Following these steps should help you set up the "Product Questions & Answers" app on your Shopify store efficiently.